I am a creative director and strategist at TAD (Technology Architecture Design) where I get to reimagine spaces through experience design using advanced technologies.
In addition to the amazing projects I’ve been trusted to lead, one of my favorite accomplishments is the process design for TAD itself. I began this work creating + implementing the tools/templates, frameworks and workflows where there were none after joining the firm back in 2018. Design is complex, but it need not be complicated to execute reliably, so knowing the steps make it that much more efficient.
I am also a passionate researcher and visual explorer grounded in the discipline in Graphic Design which I also teach and write about. My approach to creative direction starts from the inside out—looking at a client’s business, culture and trajectory. This always produces insights and leads to meaningful and relevant stories for the ultimate experience design. I care about why clients need design and how design can transform human experience for the better. And however adventurous and farfetched my work may initially appear, it is always grounded in business objectives and the need we all have for some magic in our day-to-day.
I am grateful to my many colleagues and partners than join me on this quest.
Please get in touch if you want to collaborate or just talk design.